A Taste of Village Life - Day 3
A day of understanding life in a rural town… a guided walk and visits to local entrepreneurs who are running local cafes and restaurants and manufacturing agar in traditional ways.
From the Metropolis to the Countryside - Day 2
From the urban sprawl of Tokyo, it’s time to head out to the peaceful, rural Japanese countryside.
Flexibility is your Friend
Travel for the foreseeable future is going to require the 3 P’s - planning, patience and persistence.
Welcome Back World
With the COVID-19 pandemic on the wane, travelers are ready to take off and the world is getting ready to welcome them.
Barging in Burgundy
The ultimate in “slow travel,” barging allows travelers to discover Burgundy in a whole new way.
2021 Travel Trends
Travel will look different in a post-pandemic world. Here are eight trends that will impact travel in 2021.
I traveled to Costa Rica during the pandemic - here’s how it was
I traveled to Costa Rica during the pandemic. Here’s how it was.
I’m traveling to Costa Rica - here’s how I’m planning my trip
I’m traveling to Costa Rica next week. Here’s why and how I’m planning to travel.
Thanksgiving in the time of COVID-19
Thanksgiving is a time to connect with family and friends - is there a safe way to gather and celebrate this year?
COVID-19 October Update
COVID-19 may be resurging following the summer, but travelers are not waiting for 2021 to start planning their “redo” and “make-up” travel.
COVID-19 July Update
The list of countries whose citizens are now able to travel to Europe has been agreed upon by the European Union and the United States was not included.
COVID-19 May Update
Most nations in the world are currently under a travel advisory because of the novel coronavirus (Covid 19). On March 19, the State Department issued a Level 4 “do not travel” advisory, recommending that United States citizens avoid any global travel which is still currently in force.
2020/2021 Travel Outlook
Many of you have been asking me about the Travel Outlook for the balance of 2020 and into 2021 given the current COVID-19 global pandemic, so here are a few of my thoughts.
The Value of a Travel Advisor
Working with a travel professional can save you time, money and often provide you with exclusive perks.