Nakasendo Road

The Nakesando (“road through the mountains”) Trail is an old walking route that connected Edo (today - Tokyo) with Kyoto during the Edo period. The trail is 340 miles long and hiking its length is a unique way of exploring the rural side of Japan. It’s a popular spring and fall activity for those with more time, looking for a unique experience far away from the crowded urban tourism centers. However almost anyone can walk a portion of the trail. The most popular stretch is between Tsumago and Magome - a 2-3 hour walk that most people can do with ease. Unfortunately due to a light snowfall my planned walk along the trail between Tsumago and Magome needed to be adjusted. So instead, my guide and I visited the two towns by car and visited some interesting artisans in between.

These two “post towns” traditionally provided accommodation, food and respite for travelers, warriors and monks traveling the route. The towns were renovated and restored in the 1960s and are a popular destination for Japanese and overseas tourists alike. The walk between the two towns takes about 3 hours and takes you past waterfalls, woodlands, old farms and traditional houses. Each town has local shops, restaurants and the museum in Tsumago shows you the inside of one of the large homes that would have been used by the feudal lord and his entourage.


Ken and Mitsu - the Revealed and the Hidden


Matsumoto -The Black Crow Castle Town